Psoriasis is a skin disease that results to a condition of inflammatory skin in regions like elbow, knees, scalp and other parts of the body. Such a condition is more prevalent in adults. Tthe causes for the disease are not yet determined accurately, hereditary can be one of the reasons for this disease, two other major causes for the disease is believed to be due to stress and alcohol intake.
There are five known types of psoriasis, plaque psoriasis, guttate psoriasis, pustular psoriasis, inverse psoriasis, and erythrodermic psoriasis. Plaque psoriasis is what people usually suffer from. If the skin inflammations are red patches with white silvery scales then the person is suffering from plaque psoriasis. Plaque psoriasis usually arises in regions like the scalp, elbow, knees and lower back. If small red spots are found on the skin then it is a condition of guttate psoriasis. If boils are found over the skin and redness around the boil then you are suffering from inverse psoriasis, soreness, irritation and redness over the skin are due to erythrodemic psoriasis.
It is hard to treat psoriasis in the later stages when they are spread over a large area of the skin. There are different kinds of treatments that can provide relief to psoriasis to a certain extend. The popular methods of psoriasis treatment are of three types. Using drugs or applying them directly over the skin is one way of treating the disease. applying medicines in the form of ointments or creams is one among the three popular methods of psoriasis treatment. There is another very effective treatment procedure called phototherapy, under this treatment procedure the disease is treated using light. Taking drugs internally to heal the condition is another treatment procedure. There are also some home remedies for psoriasis that might help.
Apart from the above treatment procedures there are natural treatment methods and homeopathic treatment methods. No treatment procedure can treat intricate psoriasis condition. Ointments can provide you relief from the discomfort experienced due to the disease.
If you want yourself cured from the disease then take the right treatment before the disease spreads and affects a major part of your skin To treat the disease knowing its symptoms is essential which include red spots, boils, pain, inflammation, scaling spots etc. Psoriasis can spread and affect a major part of your body hence should be treated at the initial stage. The disease is not transmitted hence you need not fear of passing on the disease form person to person.
The skin starts producing extra cells due an over reactive immune system resulting to psoriasis. Coal tar or anthralin are the key ingredients of the popular topical treatment method to treat the disease Oral medication should also be administered to correct the problems caused inside the body.
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