Friday, April 6, 2012

Diets That Work - The Brazilian Diet

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There are so many diets that work. You just have to make a little effort on researching for the best one that will work best for you. To give you one type of diet that was able to give positive results to many, please see the information below, on how to have a 14 day diet program, The Brazilian way.

Step By Step Guide For A 14 Day diet that work, The Brazilian Way.

Have you ever heard of a 14 day diet program that is said to lower down your body's weight in just two weeks? Actually, there are different kinds of 14 day diets that work, which you can find online, but the most popular one would be the Brazilian 14 day diet plan.

What are the different steps to complete a 14 day diet Brazilian plan?

In order to do the diet perfectly, you will of course follow a specific menu each day, for two weeks. Here are the details:

1st day - Three meals a day consisting of an egg, unsweetened coffee, and an apple.

2nd day - You are free to use the same menu for day 1.

3rd day - Two eggs for breakfast, beef with spinach for lunch, and an apple for diner.

4th day - One egg in the morning, steamed fish for lunch, and two eggs with unsweetened coffee in the evening.

5th day - an egg with unsweetened coffee in the morning, two eggs with tomato for lunch, and steamed fish with veggies in the evening.

6th day - an egg with a cup of unsweetened coffee in the morning, beef with cucumber for lunch, and skinless chicken with a cup of semi sweetened coffee for diner.

7th day - coffee with 1 tspn of honey and an egg for the morning, chicken with veggies for lunch, and chicken with veggies for diner with an apple and unsweetened coffee.

Note: always boil meat to achieve good results for your 14 day diet program. Sweeten your coffee with pure honey only, not with any kind of sweetener. Repeat the same menu for the second week.

This diet may or may not work for you. Like what I said in the past blogs, no unique diet can work for all. However, this diet became popular due to the positive results it was able to give to the majority of people who have tried it. This diet worked on them, so it might work for you as well.

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