Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Hands-On Learning with Environmental Experts for Over 300 College Students

This academic year, as part of a project to develop a ?green? site plan for the Evergreen Heritage Center (EHC), over 300 students from Frostburg State University and Allegany College of Maryland participated in hands-on learning while working with environmental experts from various agencies including the Maryland Department of Agriculture, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the Maryland Department of the Environment, the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, the Maryland Geological Survey, and the U.S. Geological Survey.?

Students and their professors worked with these experts to collect data on EHC natural resources including its soil, vegetation, trees, water resources, and wildlife.? Students also provided recommendations regarding a nature trail, a challenge course, a nature/discovery center, an outdoor pavilion, and outdoor learning stations that can be created at the EHC.? In addition, students had the opportunity to participate in a project to drill a 400 foot well for testing of EHC below ground water resources.? In total 320 students gained real-world work experience and added a science credential to their resumes.? They also learned about potential careers, made valuable contacts with professionals working in their chosen fields, and gained over 4269 hours of experiential learning.? To share their research results, the participants also created educational posters on their findings that will be used with hundreds of children who participate in EHC environmental education field classes each year.? The EHC Green Site Plan project was funded by the Appalachian Regional Commission, Frostburg State University, the EHC Foundation, and their partners.?

The photo shows FSU Geography Students Working with Carl Robinette of the USDA, Ben Cooper of the Maryland Department of Agriculture, and Peg Altoff of Western Maryland RC&D at the Evergreen Heritage Center Soil Pit.

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