Thursday, February 28, 2013

Doubts Emerge on the Value of Very Low Cholesterol Levels

Image: frentusha /iStockphoto

From Nature magazine.

Soon after Joseph Francis learned that his levels of ?bad? LDL cholesterol sat at twice the norm, he discovered the short?comings of cholesterol-lowering drugs ? and of the clinical advice guiding their use. Francis, the director of clinical analysis and reporting at the Veterans Health Administration (VA) in Washington DC, started taking Lipitor (atorvastatin), a cholesterol-lowering statin and the best-selling drug in pharmaceutical history. His LDL plummeted, but still hovered just above a target mandated by clinical guidelines. Adding other medications had no effect, and upping the dose of Lipitor made his muscles hurt ? a rare side effect of statins, which can cause muscle breakdown.

So Francis pulled back to moderate Lipitor doses and decided that he could live with his high cholesterol. Later, he learned that other patients were being aggressively treated by doctors chasing stringent LDL targets. But Francis found the science behind the target guidelines to be surprisingly ambiguous. ?You couldn?t necessarily say lowering LDL further was going to benefit the patient,? he says.

The standard advice may soon change. For the first time in more than a decade, the US National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute is revising the clinical guidelines that shaped Francis?s treatment (see ?How low can you go??). Expected to be released later this year, the fourth set of guidelines, called ATP IV, has been drawn up by an expert panel of 15 cardiologists appointed by the institute. The guidelines will set the tone for clinical practice in the United States and beyond, and will profoundly influence pharmaceutical markets. They will also reflect the growing debate over cholesterol targets, which have never been directly tested in clinical trials.

Since 2002, when ATP III called on doctors to push LDL levels below set targets, the concept of low cholesterol has become synonymous with heart health. Patients brag about their cholesterol scores, physicians joke about adding statins to drinking water, and some hospitals reward doctors when patients hit cholesterol targets.

In 2011, US doctors wrote nearly 250 million prescriptions for cholesterol-lowering drugs, creating a US$18.5-billion market, according to IMS Health, a health-care technology and information company based in Danbury, Connecticut. ?The drug industry in particular is very much in favour of target-based measures,? says Joseph Drozda, a cardiologist and director of outcomes research at Mercy Health in Chesterfield, Missouri. ?It drives the use of products.?

ATP III reflected a growing consensus among physicians that sharply lowering cholesterol would lessen the likelihood of heart attacks and strokes, says Richard Cooper, an epidemiologist at the Loyola University of Chicago Stritch School of Medicine in Illinois, who served on the committee that compiled the guidelines. The committee drew heavily on clinical data, but also took extrapolations from basic research and post hoc analyses of clinical trials. LDL targets were set to be ?less than? specific values to send a message, Cooper says. ?We didn?t want to explicitly say ?the lower the better? because there wasn?t evidence for that,? he says. ?But everybody had the strong feeling that was the correct answer.?

By contrast, the ATP IV committee has pledged to hew strictly to the science and to focus on data from randomized clinical trials, says committee chairman Neil Stone, a cardiologist at Northwestern University School of Medicine in Chicago. If so, Krumholz argues, LDL targets will be cast aside because they have never been explicitly tested. Clinical trials have shown repeatedly that statins reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke, but lowering LDL with other medications does not work as well. The benefits of statins may reflect their other effects on the body, including fighting inflammation, another risk factor for heart disease.

Krumholz?s scepticism is rooted in experience. In 2008 and 2010, the Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD) clinical trial challenged dogma when it reported that lowering blood pressure or blood sugar to prespecified targets did not reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke. In the case of blood sugar, the risks were worsened. The trial demonstrated the folly of assuming that risk factors must have a causal role in disease, says Robert Vogel, a cardiologist at the University of Colorado, Denver. ?Short people have a higher risk of heart disease,? he says. ?But wearing high heels does not lower your risk.?

Jay Cohn, a cardiologist at the University of Minnesota Medical School in Minneapolis, also worries that the focus on LDL levels offers up the wrong patients for statin therapy. Most of those who have a heart attack do not have high LDL, he notes. Cohn advocates treating patients with statins based on the state of health of their arteries, as revealed by noninvasive tests such as ultrasound. ?If your arteries and heart are healthy, I don?t care what your LDL or blood pressure is,? he says.

?We can?t just assume that modifying the risk factor is modifying risk.?
Not all cardiologists want to abolish LDL targets. Indeed, Seth Martin, a fellow in cardiology at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland, believes that ATP IV should reduce LDL targets further. The simplicity of targets has helped to deliver an important public-health message, he says, and motivated many patients to get the statin therapy that he believes they need. ?Just to throw that out the window doesn?t seem like the ideal scenario.?

Whatever the decision, the pharmaceutical industry will be watching closely, says Donny Wong, an analyst at Decision Resources, a market-research company based in Watertown, Massachusetts. Although most statins are off patent, the big pharmaceutical companies are racing to bring the next LDL-lowering drug to market. In particular, millions of dollars have been poured into drugs that inhibit a protein called PCSK9, an enzyme involved in cholesterol synthesis. This approach lowers LDL but has not yet been shown to reduce heart attacks or strokes.

Francis expects the new guidelines to relax the targets. He and his colleagues decided last autumn to change the VA?s own clinical standards, so that they no longer rely solely on an LDL target but instead encourage doctors to prescribe a moderate dose of statin when otherwise healthy patients have high LDL cholesterol. The ATP IV guidelines will take a similar approach, he speculates, noting that the VA consulted several outside experts who are also serving on the ATP committee.

Despite an increasingly vegetarian diet, Francis?s cholesterol has not budged. ?Sometimes I want to call my physician and say, ?Don?t worry about that target,?? he says. ?It?s going to be changing very soon.?

This story is reprinted with permission from Nature. It was first published on February 26, 2013.


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Monday, February 25, 2013

Rumor: Microsoft Revealing Xbox Infinity (720) in April

Microsoft may follow Sony's lead and give a taste of what's to come with the next Xbox console this April.

Not to be outdone by Sony, Microsoft reportedly plans to launch its own standalone event in April to semi-reveal the next Xbox console.

Like its console competitor, the Redmond company will likely not show the actual hardware to generate some pre-E3 2013 buzz. Sony claims the PlayStation 4 hardware simply wasn't ready to be shown this week, but we're betting that's a load of crap. The company, like Microsoft, undoubtedly plans to reveal its true arsenal this June so that the show doesn't repeat the lackluster E3 2012 event.

News of Microsoft's possible pre-E3 2013 reveal stems from several sources. For starters, Microsoft partner Ustechs, which has previously worked with the company on media briefings including E3 2012's press conference, has registered the domain That could be anything really, but given Sony's partial PlayStation 4 reveal, it's a sign that Microsoft is feeling the heat.

According to one unnamed "Sony official" who asked not to be named (of course), he was reportedly informed that Sony's New York showcase had at first caught Microsoft off guard. That seems unlikely given that the entire industry knew the console would be revealed, but the contact went on to speculate that "we definitely ruffled some feathers." Sure thing, buddy.

Still, it's quite possible Ballmer and Co. are quite anxious. Microsoft has been so hell-bent on nuking Apple and Google with the release of Windows 8 and related devices that Sony may have slipped under the radar. Unlike Microsoft, Sony isn't pushing an entirely new platform that spans across four screens. For that matter, Microsoft might not even care about the PlayStation 4 at this point, placing its bets on the Window 8 four-screen experience as a preferred platform for gamers.

But given Microsoft's investment in the E3 convention, the company definitely doesn't want Sony to steal the pre-show buzz. CVG reports that there are a "growing number" of developers and other industry professionals ? including Sony employees-- who claim that Microsoft will now showcase the new Xbox console in early April after the conclusion of this year's Game Developer's Conference.

That said, there may even be something revealed next month, but who knows at this point. But as for the April reveal, we expect to see some game footage, a controller, lots of nonspecific tech talk, and perhaps some of the planned services and Windows 8 connectivity options. The actual console will probably come out of the closet in June in Microsoft's E3 2013 press conference because it, like the PlayStation 4, will generate a load of E3 buzz.


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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Red Wing's mayor resigns in face of pressure over his frac sand industry role (Star Tribune)

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Egypt's Brotherhood criticizes call for boycott

CAIRO (AP) ? A leading member of Egypt's most powerful Islamist party is criticizing calls by the opposition for a boycott of upcoming parliamentary elections.

The deputy head of the Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party, Essam el-Erian, wrote on his Facebook page Saturday that "running away from a popular test only means that some want to assume executive authority without a democratic mandate."

His comments come after opposition figure Mohammed ElBaradei called for a boycott of elections, saying he will not be part of a "sham democracy."

The Egyptian president's Brotherhood has emerged as the country's most powerful political group while liberal, secular parties have trailed behind.


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Scots universities given cancer research funding

RESEARCHERS at three Scottish universities - Dundee, Glasgow and Strathclyde - have been awarded ?690,000 to drive forward research into improved diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer, the most common killer cancer in men.

Over 40,000 men in the UK are diagnosed with prostate cancer every year.And every hour one man in Britain dies from the disease.

The funding has been awarded to the three Scottish universities by Prostate Cancer UK as part of a wave of new funding being made available through the charity?s ambitious new research strategy. The charity is injecting ?11million into research this year alone to focus on the key areas of understanding risk, improving diagnosis, and improving treatment options.

Dr Iain Frame, Director of Research at Prostate Cancer UK, said, ?Due to a long legacy of underfunding and neglect we still know shockingly little about why prostate cancer kills 10,000 men every year. Prostate Cancer UK has vowed to scale up its mission to deliver so much more and so much better for men. By funding ground breaking projects such as these with the UK?s top research scientists we hope to be able to find the answers we so desperately need for the future.

?Thanks to the support of the Movember Foundation, Prostate Cancer UK has recently tripled its research spend to up to ?25million over the next three years. While this provides a fantastic launch pad, we desperately need more money to crack this disease once and for all. Through our recently launched Sledgehammer Fund we are calling on everyone across the country to get behind men and help us in this mission. Together we can, and will, beat prostate cancer.?

Mr Ghulam Nabi, Senior Lecturer in surgical uro-oncology at Dundee University , has received ?237,000 to investigate whether new ultrasound techniques can be used to diagnose prostate cancer and identify whether it is aggressive or not.

He explained: ?Current ultrasound techniques cannot reliably locate cancer within the prostate and MRI?s are not accurate enough to identify aggressive from benign cancers. Men must therefore endure an invasive biopsy to obtain a diagnosis. Thanks to this grant from Prostate Cancer UK our researchers have the opportunity to trial new and innovative ultrasound techniques to better identify cancerous tissues in the prostate, as well as helping to better determine whether a tumour is aggressive or benign. We hope that as a result we will be able to help more men to be diagnosed faster and more accurately in the future.?

Professor Rob Mairs from Glasgow University Institute of Cancer Sciences has received ?205,000 to improve radiation treatment by directly targeting prostate cancer cells. He said, ?Although radiotherapy is widely used in the treatment of prostate cancer, damage to neighbouring tissues and organs limits the dose which patients can receive. With the support of key funding from Prostate Cancer UK, we will develop a more targeted approach to radiotherapy, which will offer a more effective treatment of prostate cancer which has spread to other areas of the body. This new treatment plan, which involves the use of a new ground-breaking drug, will help reduce the risk of normal tissue damage.?

Professor Simon Mackay, from the Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Science has received ?249,000 to develop a new ground-breaking drug to treat advanced prostate cancer. He said: ?We have developed a new drug-like compound which could help improve life expectancy for men with advanced prostate cancer over and above the six months associated with the present ?gold standard? - chemotherapy drug, docetaxel. We are delighted that this new Prostate Cancer UK grant enables our researchers to continue to develop a new drug candidate ready for clinical trials, building on earlier funding from Cancer Research UK.?


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Schenkkan, O'Brien win award honoring Sen. Kennedy

This theater image released by Columbia University shows Jack Willis as Lyndon Johnson, left, and Kenajuan Bentley as the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. in a scene from "All The Way" by Robert Schenkkan. Schenkkan?s ?All the Way? have been named the inaugural winners of a theater award honoring the late Sen. Edward Kennedy. Columbia University on Friday said both playwrights will get the award as well as $100,000 each, one of the largest prizes given for dramatic writing. (AP Photo/Columbia University, Jenny Graham)

This theater image released by Columbia University shows Jack Willis as Lyndon Johnson, left, and Kenajuan Bentley as the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. in a scene from "All The Way" by Robert Schenkkan. Schenkkan?s ?All the Way? have been named the inaugural winners of a theater award honoring the late Sen. Edward Kennedy. Columbia University on Friday said both playwrights will get the award as well as $100,000 each, one of the largest prizes given for dramatic writing. (AP Photo/Columbia University, Jenny Graham)

This theater image released by Portland Center Stage via Columbia University shows Danny Wolohan as Dan O'Brien, left, and William Salyers as Paul Watson during a performance of "The Body of an American" by Dan O'Brien. O?Brien?s ?The Body of an American? and Robert Schenkkan?s ?All the Way? have been named the inaugural winners of a theater award honoring the late Sen. Edward Kennedy. Columbia University on Friday said both playwrights will get the award as well as $100,000 each, one of the largest prizes given for dramatic writing. (AP Photo/Portland Center Stage via Columbia University, Patrick Weishanpel)

This undated image released by Columbia University shows playwright Dan O'Brien. O?Brien?s ?The Body of an American? and Robert Schenkkan?s ?All the Way? have been named the inaugural winners of a theater award honoring the late Sen. Edward Kennedy. Columbia University on Friday said both playwrights will get the award as well as $100,000 each, one of the largest prizes given for dramatic writing. (AP Photo/Columbia University, David Bornfriend)

(AP) ? Dan O'Brien's "The Body of an American" and Robert Schenkkan's "All the Way" have been named the inaugural winners of a theater award honoring the late U.S. Sen. Edward Kennedy.

Columbia University on Friday said the playwrights will share the award and $100,000, one of the largest prizes given for dramatic writing.

The Edward M. Kennedy Prize for Drama Inspired by American History honors a new play or musical that explores the United States' past and deals with great issues of the day.

The play by Schenkkan, who won the Pulitzer Prize for Drama for "The Kentucky Cycle," begins in November 1963 with Lyndon B. Johnson's sudden ascension to the presidency following the assassination of Kennedy's older brother John F. Kennedy and ends 12 months later with Johnson's historic landslide victory over Barry Goldwater. "All the Way" premiered at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival in 2012.

O'Brien's play is a story of war and war reporting that was inspired by the experiences of Paul Watson, who won a Pulitzer for a 1993 photo of a dead U.S. Army Ranger dragged through the streets of Somalia's capital. It premiered at Portland Center Stage last year.

The other finalists were "Hurt Village," by Katori Hall; "Party People," by the performance group Universes; and "Rapture, Blister, Burn," by Gina Gionfriddo.

The prize was established by Kennedy's sister Ambassador Jean Kennedy Smith in consultation with playwright Tony Kushner. It will be announced each year on Feb. 22, the anniversary of Kennedy's birth. The Massachusetts senator died of cancer in 2009.

Plays and musicals that received their first professional productions in 2012 were eligible for the prize. The winners were selected by a panel of nine judges that included playwrights Lynn Nottage, Itamar Moses, Diana Son and Brian Yorkey and Columbia University President Lee C. Bollinger.



Associated Press


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Friday, February 22, 2013

Facebook founder launches bid to encourage science

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has revealed plans to sponsor a valuable new award for scientific research.

The scheme, which involves five $3 million awards, will honour pioneering research in the fight against disease. It is described as being "dedicated to advancing breakthrough research, celebrating scientists and generating excitement about the pursuit of science as a career".

The Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences has the backing of the Jewish internet billionaire, who studied at Harvard University, as well as Google co-founder Sergey Brin, who comes from a Russian Jewish family.

The scheme will offer 11 prizes this year celebrating achievement in the life sciences, as well as five annual prizes in future.

"This new prize will shine a light on the extraordinary achievements of the outstanding minds in the field of life sciences, enhance medical innovation and ultimately become a platform for recognizing future discoveries," said Art Levinson, Apple Board chairman and now chair of the foundation that is awarding the prize.

Last updated: 10:21am, February 22 2013


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Mark Hamill Denies Harrison Ford Has Signed On For New 'Star Wars' Film

According to ET?s interview with Mark Hamill ? who played Luke Skywalker in the original trilogy ? none of the original ?Star Wars? cast members have made any official commitment to the upcoming movie.

?I can tell you right away that we haven't signed any contracts,? Hamill told ET Wednesday in an effort to downplay recent rumors. ?We're in the stage where they want us to go in and meet with Michael Arndt, who is the writer, and Kathleen Kennedy, who is going to run Lucasfilm.?

Lucasfilm recently was acquired by Disney.

Based on Hamill?s remarks, it seems that the return of the original actors is no sure thing. He did state, however, that he would love to have the original cast back together, including Carrie Fisher and Billy Dee Williams.

?And another thing I'd want to make sure of is, are we going to have the whole gang back? Is Carrie and Harrison and Billy Dee and Tony Daniels, everybody that's around from the original [returning]? I want to make sure that everybody's on board here, rather than just one,? Hamill said.

How did this rumor of an official reunion get started? The report came from Latino Review?s Umberto ?El Mayimbe? Gonzalez, who broke the story on Fox News Latino. Latino Review is a Hollywood gossip site that has made its name by scooping traditional trade papers such as Variety and the Hollywood Reporter. Gonzalez said Ford?s deal to again appear as Solo is ?significant.?

Still, while it is not confirmed that Fisher, Hamill, and Ford will be reprising their roles, Hamill says that they won?t be replaced by any other actors.

"George [Lucas] wanted to know whether we'd be interested,? Hamill said. ?He did say that if we didn't want to do it, they wouldn't cast another actor in our parts ? they would write us out.?

And while Hamill wants to be involved in the new ?Star Wars? trilogy, he admits that he has no idea what Luke Skywalker has been up to in the past several decades. His best guess? Luke ended up becoming a recluse like Obi-Wan Kenobi.

"I'm assuming, because I haven't talked to the writers, that these movies would be about our offspring,? Hamill said. ?Like my character would be sort of in the Obi-Wan range [as] an influential character. ? I thought, 'Well, I'm going to wind up like Sir Alec [Guinness]. I'm going to be a lonely old hermit living out in some kind of desert igloo with a couple of robots.'"

Hamill also would love for the new ?Star Wars? trilogy to scale back on the digital effects that many thought ruined the prequels.

"I hope they find the right balance of CGI with practical effects. I love props, I love models, miniatures, matte paintings -- I'm sort of old school,? he said. ?I think if you go too far in the direction of CGI it winds up looking like just a giant a video game, and that's unfortunate. ? If they listen to me at all, it'll be, 'Lighten up and go retro with the way it looks.'"

And while the rumors about Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill may be premature, several online rumors have turned out to be true so far. For instance, rumor mills speculated that ?Star Trek? director J.J. Abrams would step in to direct ?Star Wars? as well, and that turned out to be completely true, so don?t write out the return of the original stars just yet.


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Chrome Pixel: Google Unveils Premium Touchscreen Laptop

? ?

Google (NASDAQ:GOOG)?is expanding its presence in the consumer electronics space. The Internet search giant has announced a new high-end laptop based on its Chrome operating system.

The Chromebook Pixel, a slim laptop with a 12-inch, 2560 x 1700 pixel touchscreen, features just 2GB of RAM, a 32GB sold-state hard drive and an Intel (NASDAQ:INTC) Core i5 chip. Pricing for the?Pixel begins at $1,300, ABC News notes.

With the a limited amount of hard drive space, Google is offering 1TB of free cloud-based storage to Chromebook Pixel buyers. Additional cloud-storage can be purchased, if needed. A Chromebook Pixel with built-in LTE connectivity will be offered for $1,449.

A number of othe companies, including Hewlett-Packard (NYSE:HPQ) and Samsung already make Chrome-based laptops, most priced under $500. Google is betting that consumers will be attracted to the Pixel?s high resolution screen.

Some experts aren?t so sure. An analyst at Reticle Research told ABC News that many consumers would likely find it hard to justify such a high price for a laptop that could not serve as their primary computer.

Shares of Google rose fractionally in pre-market trading on Friday.

Article printed from InvestorPlace Media,

?2013 InvestorPlace Media, LLC


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O'Reilly book on Jesus killing coming in September

NEW YORK (AP) ? After million-selling books on the assassinations of Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy, Fox News host Bill O'Reilly is turning to the most famous killing of all.

O'Reilly's "Killing Jesus: A History" will be published on Sept. 24.

Publisher Henry Holt and Co. announced Wednesday night O'Reilly will collaborate on the book with Martin Dugard, his co-author for "Killing Lincoln" and "Killing Kennedy."

O'Reilly has written or co-written several best-sellers, including "Pinheads and Patriots" and "A Bold Fresh Piece of Humanity."


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Is Ted Cruz the GOP's worst nightmare?

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, the young, smart, tough-talking Hispanic legislator from Texas, was supposed to be the GOP?s savior. But he may be turning into the party?s worst nightmare. Wayne Slater from The Dallas Morning News joins host Michael Shure in ?The War Room? to discuss Cruz?s latest extremisms.


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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Britain to India: Diamond in royal crown is ours

AMRITSAR, India | Wed Feb 20, 2013 7:10pm EST

AMRITSAR, India (Reuters) - British Prime Minister David Cameron says a giant diamond his country forced India to hand over in the colonial era that was set in the late Queen Elizabeth I's crown will not be returned.

Speaking on the third and final day of a visit to India aimed at drumming up trade and investment, Cameron ruled out handing back the 105-carat Koh-i-Noor diamond, now on display in the Tower of London.

One of the world's largest diamonds, some Indians - including independence leader Mahatma Gandhi's grandson - have demanded its return to atone for Britain's colonial past.

"I don't think that's the right approach," Cameron told reporters on Wednesday after becoming the first serving British prime minister to voice regret about one of the bloodiest episodes in colonial India, a massacre of unarmed civilians in the city of Amritsar in 1919.

"It is the same question with the Elgin Marbles," he said, referring to the classical Greek marble sculptures that Athens has long demanded be given back.

"The right answer is for the British Museum and other cultural institutions to do exactly what they do, which is to link up with other institutions around the world to make sure that the things which we have and look after so well are properly shared with people around the world.

"I certainly don't believe in 'returnism', as it were. I don't think that's sensible."

Britain's then colonial governor-general of India arranged for the huge diamond to be presented to Queen Victoria in 1850.

If Kate Middleton, the wife of Prince William, who is second in line to the throne, eventually becomes queen consort she will don the crown holding the diamond on official occasions.

When Elizabeth II made a state visit to India to mark the 50th anniversary of India's independence from Britain in 1997, many Indians demanded the return of the diamond.

Cameron is keen to tap into India's economic rise, but says he is anxious to focus on the present and future rather than "reach back" into the past.

(Reporting By Andrew Osborn; Editing by Michael Roddy)


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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Political Blotter: Barbara Lee first among State of the Union 'squatters'

This is a sampling from Bay Area News Group's Political Blotter blog. Read more and post comments at

Feb. 12

Cox Media Group Washington correspondent Scott MacFarlane tweets that Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Oakland, and Rep. Eliot Engel, D-N.Y., are the first two members of Congress to arrive in the House chamber today to save seats for tonight's State of the Union address.

Lee arrived eight hours early to camp out along the center aisle, according to MacFarlane's tweets, "wearing midnight blue suit has folders of papers to occupy her during long wait in House chamber, saving prime seat."

Lee's office hasn't yet responded to my inquiry of whether there's something specific Lee intends to say to the president as he moves by. If I had to guess, I'd say it'll have something to do with drone warfare and Lee's ongoing effort to repeal the use-of-force authorization Congress passed in September 2001. Of course, she'll have to be rather succinct.

The Washington Post has a fun story today about congressional "squatters" who arrive many hours in advance to claim prime seats in order to claim five seconds of national television time with the president of the United States as he enters the chamber.

Feb. 15

A new bill co-authored by a Bay Area congresswoman would establish due process protections for

Americans against government-operated unmanned aerial drones in U.S. airspace.

HR 637, the Preserving American Privacy Act by Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-San Jose, and Rep. Ted Poe, R-Texas, would also forbid law enforcement and private drones from being armed with firearms or explosives while operating within U.S. airspace.

"The expanded use of drones on U.S. soil raises serious constitutional and civil liberties issues that Congress needs to address," Lofgren said in a news release. "These devices should be used in a safe, open and responsible manner. This bill would ensure that drones follow strict guidelines to protect Americans' privacy while still realizing their practical applications for science, border security, public safety and commercial development."

Said Poe: "Just because Big Brother can look into someone's backyard doesn't mean it should. Technology may change, but the Constitution does not."

The bill would require that government agencies must obtain a warrant to use drones to collect information that can identify individuals in a private area, and get a court order and provide public notice beforehand to collect information that can identify individuals in defined public areas. Those requirements would be subject to exceptions for emergencies, border security and consent, however.

The bill also would forbid privately operated drones from being used to capture images or sound recordings of people engaging in personal activities in certain circumstances in which the individual has a reasonable expectation of privacy.


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    WAM - Monday 18th February, 2013

    WAM Dubai, Feb 18th, 2013 (WAM) -- Thuraya Telecommunications, and Chunghwa Telecom today announced the historic milestone of receiving licensing approval from the NCC, Taiwan's national ...

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    Taipei, Feb. 18 (CNA) The number of people traveling to and from Taiwan during the Lunar New Year holiday showed a significant increase this year, the National Immigration Agency said Monday. Over ...

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    Ma Ying-jeou pledged Monday to improve communication this year among the different branches of government to better facilitate implementation of government policies. The issue was discussed in a ...

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    Taipei, Feb. 18 (CNA) New Premier Jiang Yi-huah said Monday upon taking office that he hopes the members of his Cabinet will be innovative and dedicated to speeding up government reform. At the ...

  • Taiwan aiming to export jujubes to Japan from next year

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    Japan will be our first market that conducts quarantine procedures for the tropical fruit," said Chiou Chu-ying, a researcher at the Kaohsiung District Agricultural Research and Extension ...

  • Acer forecasts first-quarter drop in PC shipments

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    Taipei, Feb. 18 (CNA) Taiwan's Acer Inc. forecast Monday that its personal computer shipments for the first quarter of the year will drop by 10 percent to 15 percent sequentially due to ...

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    Taiwan News Online - Monday 18th February, 2013

    Taipei, Feb. 18 (CNA) An approaching cold air mass is expected to send temperatures across the island plunging Tuesday, especially in northern Taiwan, the Central Weather Bureau said Monday. ...

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    Taipei, Feb. 18 (CNA) Premier Jiang Yi-huah and members of his Cabinet were sworn in Monday, with President Ma Ying-jeou expressing high hopes for the new executive team. The swearing-in ceremony on ...

  • China Times Luxury tax must be retained

    Taiwan News Online - Sunday 17th February, 2013

    Some legislators recently called for the abolition of the luxury tax in light of the scant revenue it has yielded. Such a move is very unadvisable, and the reason cited is extremely absurd. The main ...

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    Taiwanese fish products have been purchased by a maternity hospital in Beijing, China, to be served as postpartum-care meals.The groupers, bred in Pingtung County, have been certified both by the ...

  • Source:

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    Monday, February 18, 2013

    'Revenge' Season 2 Recap ? Amanda Dies - TVLine

    MICHAEL TRUCCO, MARGARITA LEVIEVAWe finally know who?s ship outta luck.

    Revenge?this week returned to?the fateful event it teased in the season premiere: the sinking of the Amanda and the demise of at least one person on board. Warning: You may want to don a life vest, so adrift will you be on currents of disbelief at various points during the narrative. You also may want to grab some tissues, because one death ? as promised ? is a significant one. Now, without further ado, let?s review what went down ? besides Jack?s beloved boat ? in ?Sacrifice.?

    RELATED | Revenge Exclusive: Meet Emily?s Foster Brother!

    A RAT ON BOARD | As the episode opens, Jack and Amanda are in bedded honeymoon bliss on the boat while Nate hides out in the closet ? so not only is the Ryan brother a murderous thug, he?s also a creeper. Lovely. The next morning, just as Jack is puzzled by a pack of cigarettes and a lighter he finds tucked away on board, Nate makes his presence known. And he?s got a gun. Jack has no idea what their captor is talking about when he says Amanda?s responsible for Conrad pulling out of the waterfront-development deal. While Mr. and Mrs. Porter are locked up belowdecks, Amanda whispers that they?re going to have to kill Nate because he?ll never let them escape with their lives. And while I think she?s probably right, I have to hope Jack was at least a little freaked out by how quickly his new bride went there.

    Meanwhile, back in the Hamptons, Ashley tips Emily off that Amanda blackmailed Conrad with some serious dirt. Em?s voice says, ?I?ll talk to her.? Em?s face says, ?I?ll rip her beating heart from her chest, blend it into a smoothie and sip it through a straw.? She boots Ashley from the house and checks her secret hiding spot, from which the laptop is conspicuously missing. She then visits Amanda and Jack?s apartment, where she finds Charlotte making a slideshow for her ?sister? with photos from the wedding. Char shows Em one cute shot of the marrieds just before they shoved off, and Emily immediately zeroes in on something miniscule in the background: Nate?s thug face peeking out from the lower decks like a puppy in a pet-store window ? a nasty, gun-wielding puppy. (Side note: I laughed out loud at Em?s realization. A little too easy, no?)

    Emily summons Nolan for an emergency meeting, during which he tracks Nate?s cell phone to where it last pinged: out in the ocean, halfway to Jack and Amanda?s honeymoon destination of Nantucket. So Em and her sidekick jump in a motor boat and take off after the Amanda. (Side note regarding that cruising-the-high-seas-at-top-speed sequence: Did we learn nothing from Ringer?)

    A SINKING FEELING | Back on the S.S. We?re Screwed, there?s a big, complicated subterfuge as Amanda makes Nate think the laptop is in Montauk, then Jack tries to make Nate think Declan?s laptop is the one he?s looking for, then Jack and Amanda fake a fight to cover the sound of them prepping the raft for a speedy getaway. They manage to lock the talented Mr. Ryan in the cabin ? where the laptop is conveniently left open, allowing Nolan to watch what?s going on via a hacked webcam (I know, I know ? but on the upside, those vests you put on earlier are not only crucial to your survival, they?re quite slimming. You look great.). So Nolan and Em watch as Nate shoots his way out of captivity ? hitting Jack in the process. Aw, Jack. Your luck is truly terrible in all situations. Then Amanda pushes her hurt hubby into the inflatable so he?ll get away safely; she stays on the boat and tries to get the gun from Nate, but all she gets is a head injury and some unconsciousness. Meanwhile, despite its shabby exterior, the Amanda must possess warp capability ? because by the time Nate realizes what?s happened, Jack?s raft is about three light years away from the boat.

    Night has fallen by the time Emily and Nolan find her childhood love, who?s hopelessly bobbing in the deep blue like a tiger-free Pi. Nolan rushes the pale Porter to shore and the hospital; Emily commandeers the raft and, using its outboard motor, races to catch up to the Amanda. She does so just as the craft?s electrical system shorts out, thanks to Amanda opening a valve that floods the lower third of the boat. Nate and the women fight, with Amanda eventually landing a shot that fells Nate (and pierces the propane tank in the process). With gas and water filling the cabin, Emily hustles her old pal into the raft but at the last minute, Amanda goes back to grab the necklace Emily gave her as she left juvie. At that exact moment, a not-dead-yet Nate flicks his lighter and? the boat goes boom, tossing the ladies into the drink.

    When Emily pulls Amanda onto the half-demolished raft, she realizes that the former exotic dancer is headed for that great strip club in the sky. ?Jack and my baby, I need to know you?ll take care of them,? Amanda says, pressing her necklace into Em?s palm. Emily cries, promises and cries some more as Amanda dies in her arms and eventually drifts off into the depths as the raft?s air supply dwindles. Goodnight, Amanda, you nutty, Frank-killing, Emily-worshipping mess of a girl.

    TAKE THE INITIATIVE |?Back at Grayson Manor, Victoria is unrepentant about murdering Helen. ?The bitch had it coming,? she remarks as Daniel and Conrad wrap The Initiative operative?s corpse in a carpet. Vicky quickly comes up with a new plan: The Graysons are going to offer up Amanda to The Initiative, hoping that the secret organization will take down their shared threat. She even goes to The Stowaway to invite Charlotte to the family?s Labor Day party which, for reasons I seriously don?t get, is doubling as the announcement of Conrad?s run for the governor?s seat. (Side note: Take a look at baby Carl?s face in this scene. I swear to you, he rolls his eyes at Victoria?s lame reasons for wanting her daughter home for the evening. Smart kid.) While Charlotte and Declan get their things together, Victoria slips Helen?s phone and scarf under Amanda?s bed? where an Initiative dude named Trask, working off a tip from the Graysons, later finds it.

    Meanwhile, Aiden?s trying to help Padma find out whether her father is still alive. She eventually talks to Trask, asking for proof that her pop?s not already gone; Trask says the package she just signed for contains the evidence she wants. It?s her dad?s finger. Exactly how does that prove he?s still among the living? (I know. Just like all of those safety videos say, I should?ve put on my own life vest before telling you to wear yours.)

    Now it?s your turn. Did you guess that Amanda would go to her watery grave? How do you think her death will affect Emily? Think Jack will pull through? Sound off in the comments!


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    Sunday, February 17, 2013

    Obama on buddies' golf weekend on Florida's Atlantic coast

    U.S. President Barack Obama waves to visitors as he departs for travel to Chicago and, eventually, a Presidents Day weekend visit in Florida

    By Steve Holland

    PALM CITY, Florida (Reuters) - It's a buddies' weekend of golf for President Barack Obama at a private resort along Florida's Atlantic coast.

    The president played with some Democratic donors and got instructional tips on Saturday from one of pro golf's best instructors, Butch Harmon, during his mini-vacation from the White House. Harmon once helped golf star Tiger Woods work on his game.

    With his wife, Michelle, and daughters Malia and Sasha away on a Colorado ski trip, Obama was in warmer climes after a week devoted to promoting the proposals he offered in his State of the Union speech on Tuesday.

    On a breezy day, Obama golfed at the Floridian Yacht and Golf Club that runs along the St. Lucie River. Harmon rode along with him for a few holes to provide tips, a White House aide said.

    Obama was joined for his round by the resort owner, Jim Crane, who owns the Houston Astros baseball team and is a Democratic donor. Also playing was lawyer Tony Chase of Houston, who hosted a campaign fundraiser at his home for Obama last year.

    Others who played in the presidential group were U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk, close Chicago friend Eric Whitaker and utility executive Milton Carroll, who has donated to Obama's presidential campaigns.

    The resort has a golf course designed by golf great Gary Player and later redesigned by Tom Fazio. The Floridian was purchased in 2010 by Crane, who was the host of Obama's visit.

    The president was staying at one of the resort's cottages. He is to return to Washington on Monday, which is the Presidents Day holiday.

    Before his visit with the president, Harmon told Tim Rosaforte, a Golf Channel analyst who writes for Golf Digest, that Obama had requested a lesson through an aide.

    "I've played golf with Ike, Nixon, Ford and President Bush 41," Harmon told Rosaforte, referring to former Presidents Dwight Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and George H.W. Bush. "I never played with President (Bill) Clinton. I met him in the Oval Office. It'll be interesting. I know the president is a real keen golfer. I'm looking forward to it."

    Like many of his predecessors, Obama is an avid golfer. He frequently tees up at the courses at Joint Base Andrews near Washington with a group of friends.

    (Reporting by Steve Holland; Editing by Will Dunham and Peter Cooney)


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    Friday, February 15, 2013

    UK retail sales fall unexpectedly in January

    LONDON (Reuters) - British retail sales unexpectedly fell in January hurt by heavy snow, reviving worries that the economy may be slipping into a third recession since the onset of the financial crisis.

    Sales volumes slipped 0.6 percent in both monthly and annual terms, the Office for National Statistics said on Friday, confounding economists' expectations for growth.

    "The underlying picture is that the economy is bouncing along the bottom, so weather disruptions can easily tip it into negative territory," said Rob Wood, economist at Berenberg Bank.

    Britain's economy has endured two recessions since the 2008 financial crisis and contracted again at the end of last year, coming closer to its third slump, although stronger recent economic data has raised hopes of modest growth in early 2013.

    "This release brings a dip back on the table," Wood said.

    Another recession would pile pressure on Britain's Conservative-led government, which has had to defend its austerity programme against criticism it is stifling growth.

    The government says cuts are necessary to shrink a swollen deficit, but it also needs solid growth to meet its budget targets and bolster its chances of winning a 2015 election.

    The pound hit a half-year low against the dollar and British government bonds extended gains after the retail data release.

    Economists polled by Reuters had forecast a 0.4 percent rise in sales on the month and a 0.8 percent increase on the year. The ONS also revised December's numbers down.

    Weather is not the only problem facing British consumers. High inflation has eroded their spending power in recent years, with real wages now at their lowest since 2003.

    Little respite is on the cards. The Bank of England warned on Wednesday that inflation would remain high until 2016 and economic growth would be slow.

    In a sign that it was not just the bad weather that is weighing on consumers, sales between November and January posted their steepest fall compared to the previous three months since March 2010.

    In expenditure terms, retail sales account for roughly one fifth of Britain's gross domestic product.


    The ONS said weak food sales, which posted their biggest monthly fall since May 2011, were the main reason behind the overall sales drop, with bad weather forcing some small grocers to close.

    "Given it has come early in the quarter, there is some chance of catch-up in February and March," said David Tinsley, economist at BNP Paribas.

    "But of course forgone food sales are not necessarily made good," he said, adding that a scandal over horse meat sold as beef might also hurt sales.

    Unemployment figures next week will provide further clues about the state of the economy at the turn of the year.

    One major British retailer has showed shoppers might be getting back to spending in February. John Lewis said on Friday that sales at its department stores jumped by more than a fifth last week compared to a year earlier. However, that number was flattered by heavy snowfall in February 2012.

    The ONS said the quantity of food sold fell by 2.6 percent compared with January last year, touching its lowest volume since April 2004.

    Meanwhile, the share of online food sales jumped by nearly a third, probably another reflection of the bad weather that kept shoppers at home. The increase in online shopping helped big retailers, the ONS said.

    Retail sales excluding fuel fell 0.5 percent on the month but were 0.2 percent higher than in January 2012 - much weaker than economists' forecasts for rises of 0.4 percent on the month and 1.4 percent on the year.

    (Additional reporting by Clare Hutchison and Estelle Shirbon)


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    The MPN Research Foundation and LLS partner

    The MPN Research Foundation and LLS partner [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 14-Feb-2013
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    Contact: Andrea Greif
    The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

    Chicago, IL, and White Plains, NY, USA Feb. 14, 2013 - In 2012, The Myeloproliferative Neoplasm (MPN) Research Foundation and The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) jointly issued the MF Challenge Grant , seeking innovative approaches to reversing fibrosis in patients with myelofibrosis (MF). The challenge resulted in many high quality applications, therefore, the two organizations are continuing with a second round of applications.

    Applicants for this concept grant program will have until April 1, 2013 to submit their proposal for funding of up to $100,000 per grant. The grant review will take place in May 2013.

    "Concept grants" are used to identify innovative and novel approaches to an issue. Since the objective is to identify and fund new approaches to fibrosis, applicants are not required to have preliminary data. Success for a grant is defined as proving an idea is worth pursuing further.

    Fibrosis is the formation of excessive fibrous connective tissue in place of healthy tissue. The disease myelofibrosis (one of the myeloproliferative neoplasms) is characterized by fibrosis in the bone marrow. Though some patients may live for many years with relatively mild symptoms, others have a much bleaker outlook. The only potential cure for MF is a stem cell transplant, which is an option for only a small number of MF patients. The disease in a small proportion of MF patients can transform to acute myeloid leukemia (AML), a highly lethal type of blood and bone marrow cancer that progresses rapidly. MPN Research Foundation President Barbara Van Husen says this grant program has already stimulated scientific interest in myelofibrosis.

    "It is our hope that by bringing a broad range of experts to focus on myelofibrosis we can capitalize on important research in other areas of fibrosis and cancer research for the benefit of MPN patients and many others," Van Husen said.

    "LLS aggressively and proactively searches for opportunities to improve the lives of patients by funding areas of research addressing critical unmet medical needs. The lack of a cure for the majority of patients with myelofibrosis presents a challenge that we must address, said Richard C. Winneker, Ph.D., LLS senior vice president, research. "LLS looks forward to our continued partnership with the MPN Research Foundation for a second year to meet the challenge for patients with myelofibrosis."


    About The Myeloproliferative Research Foundation

    The MPN Research Foundation was started in 2000. Founded by patients, for patients, terms on every research grant are negotiated to maximize the dollars invested in actual research. The Foundation's esteemed Scientific Advisory Board utilizes a rigorous selection process to ensure donations are allocated to the most innovative research projects. To date, the Foundation has awarded over nine million dollars for MPN research. The MPN Research Foundation has received funding from MPN patients and from Sanofi Oncology and Incyte Corporation to help support the MF Challenge. To learn more about the Foundation, visit

    About The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

    The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) is the world's largest voluntary health agency dedicated to blood cancer. The LLS mission is to cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease and myeloma, and improve the quality of life of patients and their families. LLS funds lifesaving blood cancer research around the world and provides free information and support services. Founded in 1949 and headquartered in White Plains, NY, LLS has chapters throughout the United States and Canada. To learn more, visit or contact the Information Resource Center at (800) 955-4572, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. ET.

    Media contact: Andrea Greif, (914) 821-8958,

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    AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

    The MPN Research Foundation and LLS partner [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 14-Feb-2013
    [ | E-mail | Share Share ]

    Contact: Andrea Greif
    The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

    Chicago, IL, and White Plains, NY, USA Feb. 14, 2013 - In 2012, The Myeloproliferative Neoplasm (MPN) Research Foundation and The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) jointly issued the MF Challenge Grant , seeking innovative approaches to reversing fibrosis in patients with myelofibrosis (MF). The challenge resulted in many high quality applications, therefore, the two organizations are continuing with a second round of applications.

    Applicants for this concept grant program will have until April 1, 2013 to submit their proposal for funding of up to $100,000 per grant. The grant review will take place in May 2013.

    "Concept grants" are used to identify innovative and novel approaches to an issue. Since the objective is to identify and fund new approaches to fibrosis, applicants are not required to have preliminary data. Success for a grant is defined as proving an idea is worth pursuing further.

    Fibrosis is the formation of excessive fibrous connective tissue in place of healthy tissue. The disease myelofibrosis (one of the myeloproliferative neoplasms) is characterized by fibrosis in the bone marrow. Though some patients may live for many years with relatively mild symptoms, others have a much bleaker outlook. The only potential cure for MF is a stem cell transplant, which is an option for only a small number of MF patients. The disease in a small proportion of MF patients can transform to acute myeloid leukemia (AML), a highly lethal type of blood and bone marrow cancer that progresses rapidly. MPN Research Foundation President Barbara Van Husen says this grant program has already stimulated scientific interest in myelofibrosis.

    "It is our hope that by bringing a broad range of experts to focus on myelofibrosis we can capitalize on important research in other areas of fibrosis and cancer research for the benefit of MPN patients and many others," Van Husen said.

    "LLS aggressively and proactively searches for opportunities to improve the lives of patients by funding areas of research addressing critical unmet medical needs. The lack of a cure for the majority of patients with myelofibrosis presents a challenge that we must address, said Richard C. Winneker, Ph.D., LLS senior vice president, research. "LLS looks forward to our continued partnership with the MPN Research Foundation for a second year to meet the challenge for patients with myelofibrosis."


    About The Myeloproliferative Research Foundation

    The MPN Research Foundation was started in 2000. Founded by patients, for patients, terms on every research grant are negotiated to maximize the dollars invested in actual research. The Foundation's esteemed Scientific Advisory Board utilizes a rigorous selection process to ensure donations are allocated to the most innovative research projects. To date, the Foundation has awarded over nine million dollars for MPN research. The MPN Research Foundation has received funding from MPN patients and from Sanofi Oncology and Incyte Corporation to help support the MF Challenge. To learn more about the Foundation, visit

    About The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

    The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) is the world's largest voluntary health agency dedicated to blood cancer. The LLS mission is to cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease and myeloma, and improve the quality of life of patients and their families. LLS funds lifesaving blood cancer research around the world and provides free information and support services. Founded in 1949 and headquartered in White Plains, NY, LLS has chapters throughout the United States and Canada. To learn more, visit or contact the Information Resource Center at (800) 955-4572, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. ET.

    Media contact: Andrea Greif, (914) 821-8958,

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    AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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    Thursday, February 14, 2013

    A Filibuster for Chuck Hagel? (Atlantic Politics Channel)

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    Treasury nominee Lew calls tax reform top priority

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama's choice to be the next Treasury secretary said on Wednesday that revamping the tax code is "at the very top" of his priorities, and he offered some olive branches to Republicans to achieve that goal.

    Tax reform took center stage at the Senate Finance Committee's confirmation hearing for Jack Lew, Obama's nominee to replace Timothy Geithner. Lew told lawmakers that Obama is committed to a long-sought tax code overhaul and said that lowering all tax rates is possible if tough choices are made.

    "It is possible. If we roll up our sleeves and are willing to do the hard work, we can both get our fiscal house in order and work on the rate structure," Lew, who has served as Obama's chief of staff and budget director, told the panel.

    Republican Senator John Thune of South Dakota presented Lew with huge stacks of paper that were copies of the tax proposal offered by the Treasury Department under Republican President Ronald Reagan in 1986, intended to contrast with the slim pamphlets on a tax rewrite offered by Obama.

    Lew responded that the 1986 overhaul, in its final form, did not resemble that original plan after it was hashed out by lawmakers over many months in congressional hearings in conjunction with the Treasury Department.

    Still, Thune said the White House must play a larger role.

    "This is not going to get done unless there is leadership out of the White House," he said. "There are lots of constituency groups out there that are very committed to the current tax code."

    Republicans, Obama and his fellow Democrats say they back a revamp of the tax code, but the odds of achieving that are clouded by constant fiscal fights and conflict over whether new revenue is needed.

    "In clearing out the tax code and broadening the base, there is room to raise the revenue that we need," Lew said.

    Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus, a Montana Democrat, and House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp, a Michigan Republican, are working on parallel tax reform plans and have held hearings for more than a year.

    Camp, who intends to propose legislation this year, created 11 bipartisan working groups this week to study different aspects of tax reform, including financial services and charitable giving, according to a committee source.

    "It is a small step in the right direction," said a lobbyist for a trade group that backs a lower corporate tax rate. To have Democrats and Republicans "sitting down in the same room is progress."

    The mantra of tax reformers is "lower the rate, broaden the base." The second part of that phrase involves politically painful choices.

    "Broadening the base" means increasing the amount of income subject to taxation, which requires cutting tax breaks. Those tax breaks likely to be targeted include deductions for investment earnings, mortgage interest and charities, which are prized by industries and many individuals.

    On the corporate side, it could mean curbing tax breaks for oil and gas companies and requiring companies to pay more taxes on offshore earnings.

    Republicans pressed Lew on lowering the corporate tax rate, which is 35 percent - the highest among developed countries. Obama has backed trimming that top rate to 28 percent, while Lew said it would be challenging to get it down to the Republicans' goal of 25 percent.

    Lew was also asked about moving to a "territorial" tax system favored by big business and Republicans, where most of corporate income earned offshore is exempt from U.S. taxes.

    Under the current worldwide tax system, most income, wherever it is earned, is subject to U.S. tax, though a plethora of laws allow companies to defer or avoid taxes on these profits.

    Lew reiterated Obama's call for a minimum tax on foreign profits, which the president revived on Tuesday in his State of the Union speech. But when asked if he was open to a more territorial-like system, Lew said, "there is room to work together."

    (Additional reporting by David Lawder; Editing by Kevin Drawbaugh, Vicki Allen and Stacey Joyce)


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